
What is the Sandbox?

The sandbox functions as a simulator of our production environment. You send your chargeback requests to our sandbox environment the exact same way you'd send them to our certification or production systems. The sandbox validates the request format and approves it if it matches our requirements. The sandbox server makes it easy to get started using our SDKs. There are no forms to fill out, no credentials required, and no special access needed!

For now, the sandbox only supports chargeback API requests version 2.1. It has no state and doesn't actually change the state of a chargeback, but it does simulate responses for the various behaviours supported by the Chargeback API.

How does it work

The sandbox uses the request to calculate the response. This is done so that any response that our systems can generate can be retrieved through the sandbox as well.

Getting started

The URL to send your chargeback requests to sandbox is the following:

Sandbox URL

NOTE: Requests made to the Sandbox environment require the connection be TLS 1.2

Authorization header:Should contain Base-64 encoded credentials in the format username:password

E.g. username:password = merchant1:password
       Base-64 encoded = bWVyY2hhbnQxOnBhc3N3b3Jk
NOTE: Sandbox does not validate the credential. It is recommended to use dummy values for credential to be prepared for live environment.

Send a simple GET request to sandbox using your HTTP tool. The following would be the curl command to submit the GET request:

Please check that you don't have a proxy setup. If you do have a proxy setup, the command to submit the previous XML with Proxy:

Chargeback API Sandbox

The following HTTP request methods of Chargeback API are supported in sandbox.

Method URI/Query Description
PUT /<caseId>/ Used for following actions
  • Assign case to User
  • Add Note to case
  • Assume Liability
  • Represent
  • Respond to Retrieval Request
GET ?date=yyyy-mm-dd Retrieve all chargebacks for specified activity date
GET ?date=yyyy-mm-dd&financialOnly=True Retrieve all chargebacks with financial impact for specified activity date
GET ?actionable=true Retrieve activity for all chargebacks that are actionable
GET /<caseId>/ Retrieve activity for specified case
GET ?token=<value> Retrieve activity for specified token
GET ?cardNumber=<value>&expirationDate=<mmyy> Retrieve activity for specified card number
GET ?arn=<value> Retrieve activity for specified ARN

Chargeback Responses

Use the last three characters in the caseId to generate the responses listed below.

Type Description
Chargeback Success 000 - Success
Chargeback Error 001 - Invalid Merchant
002 - Future Use
003 - Case Not Found
004 - Case not in Merchant Queue
005 - Document Already Exists
006 - Internal Error
007 - Future Use
008 - Max Document Limit Per Case Reached
009 - Document Not Found
010 - Case not in a valid cycle
011 - Server is busy. Please try again in a few minutes.
012 - File size exceeds limit of 2MB
013 - Invalid File Content
014 - Unable to convert; Vantiv has saved your file and will attempt to fix the error on your behalf. Your chargeback analyst will contact you if we are unable to resolve the error.
015 - Invalid image size, source image exceeds size tolerances
016 - Max Document Page Count Limit Per Case Reached
HTTP Error 500 - Internal Error. This error has already been escalated to Vantiv for resolution. Please contact support with questions.
404 - Could not find requested object.
403 - You are not authorized to access this resource. Please check your credentials.
401 - You are not authorized to access this resource. Please check your credentials.
400 - Bad Request. Error in request. Poorly formatted header/xml or cannot perform activity.

Chargeback Cycles

Use the 4th and 5th characters from the right in the caseId to generate the cycle types listed below.

Code Description
01 Arbitration
02 Arbitration Chargeback
03 Arbitration Lost
04 Arbitration Split
05 Arbitration Won
06 Chargeback Reversal
07 First Chargeback
08 Issuer Accepted Pre-Arbitration
09 Issuer Arbitration
10 Issuer Declined Pre-Arbitration
11 Pre-Arbitration
12 Representment
13 Response to Issuer Arbitration
14 Retrieval Request

Chargeback Queues

Use the 6th and 7th characters from the right in the caseId to generate the queue types listed below.

Code Description
01 Arbitrate
02 Decision Pending
03 Decision Final
04 Merchant
05 Merchant Arbitrate
06 Merchant Assumed
07 Merchant Auto Assumed
08 Merchant Automated
09 Network Assumed
10 PayPal Hold - Assumed
11 PayPal Hold - Represent
12 Pre-arbitrate
13 Vantiv
14 Vantiv Assumed
15 Vantiv Error
16 Vantiv Outgoing


A chargebackUpdateRequest can be sent to sandbox to receive a chargebackUpdateResponse containing a random transactionId of length 14.

An example of such a request is below.

Send the below request to the above URL in a HTTP PUT request.

Sandbox will respond with a response similar to below.

An example of a chargebackRetrievalRequest request is below.

Sandbox will respond with a chargebackRetrievalResponse as below

Chargeback Documentation API Sandbox

The following features are supported in sandbox for Chargeback documentation API.

Method URI Description
POST /upload/<caseId>/<documentId> To upload a support document for a specific case.
GET /retrieve/<caseId>/<documentId> To retrieve a support document for a specific case.
PUT /replace/<caseId>/<documentId> To replace a support document for a specific case.
DELETE /delete/<caseId>/<documentId> To delete a previously uploaded support document for a specific case.
GET /list/<caseId> To list all documents attached to a specific case.

Use the last three characters in the caseId to generate the responses listed below.

Type Description
Chargeback Success 000 - Success
Chargeback Error 001 - Invalid Merchant
002 - Future Use
003 - Case Not Found
004 - Case not in Merchant Queue
005 - Document Already Exists
006 - Internal Error
007 - Future Use
008 - Max Document Limit Per Case Reached
009 - Document Not Found
010 - Case not in a valid cycle
011 - Server is busy. Please try again in a few minutes.
012 - File size exceeds limit of 2MB
013 - Invalid File Content
014 - Unable to convert; Vantiv has saved your file and will attempt to fix the error on your behalf. Your chargeback analyst will contact you if we are unable to resolve the error.
015 - Invalid image size, source image exceeds size tolerances
016 - Max Document Page Count Limit Per Case Reached
HTTP Error 500 - Internal Error. This error has already been escalated to Vantiv for resolution. Please contact support with questions.
404 - Could not find requested object.
403 - You are not authorized to access this resource. Please check your credentials.
401 - You are not authorized to access this resource. Please check your credentials.
400 - Bad Request. Error in request. Poorly formatted header/xml or cannot perform activity.


To get a list of documents for a chargeback case, a request like below can be sent to sandbox.

Sandbox should respond with a chargebackDocumentUploadResponse